Sunday, April 27, 2008


i'm having a self-debate.

mr potato is luring me to eat it.

should i...?

*i'm on a diet!!

FINE!! Not eating u anymore.

but really...should i?

mr potato, u suck!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

i'm seeing rainbows

I'm floating. I'm floating. I'm floating!

I finaaaally finished my assignment. Satisfied wit the first half, incredibly dissatisfied wit the second half. Wanted to re-do and hand it in again but after several attempt, decided to let it go. Well at least i tried! Not easy to look back again at the assignment once u done wit it! So yeaa....a round of applause for myself. Hoho.

Waiting for miss JiaJia to come pick me up from uni to go to pyramid. Topshop's having sales!! Hopefully i'll find something nice and most crucially for them to have my size.

Soooo hungry...*frowns

JIA, i'm sending u telepathy message! Can u hear me?

Come fast before the acid in my stomach evaporates me. Sounds so gross. Hoho. Wateva~

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

BLOODY assignment..

I am now sitting in front of the computer in monash com lab. I should be typing away wit deadline hanging real close. Supposedly. Still blank. Maybe if i blog i can get my fingers to warm up. Hoho.


to my darling Jia,

I am sorry to inform that i had not been in love wit my lecturer. It was jus a joke.
Love me still? *grin

Don't get angry ya! It was all zhi's fault! tsk tsk. Someone's gotta teach that woman a lesson! Alrighty! Better get back to my assignment!! Will try to finish it asap. Gambatte!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

i have a confession

I had mcflurry oreo jus an hour ago...


I hate mcd's! They nvr listen or do anything right. Always ask me 'ketchup or chilli miss?' and of coz i'll always ask for ketchup. Definitely. But guess what? They'll gimme ALL chilli. As usual. So now i've a habit of checking before driving off. This time when i got mcflurry oreo they gave me sooooo little oreo i can hardly see them! Jus when i decided to indulge in dessert they can't do it right for me! Yet again they didn't fail disappointing me. Grr...

Next time i swear i'll drive back jus to ask them to give me back the oreo i deserve.

Craving. Craving. Craving. Always craving for more snacks. I'm sucha junkie. Can't live without them. All who knows me, know of my snack fanatic issue. How does that help me diet? U tell me! Sigh.

Lately i've a special indulgeance. Banana cake...yum! My heaven is very very easily achieved. Lappie wit my fav series and banana cake by my side. I'm sooo easily contented. Hoho. I wonder if it's fattening? Hope not! Cz i'll be very sad lol.

Sean Kingston hitting the town on fri!! I so so so wanna go! But heard that the tics are all sold out! Still hoping thou. Someone give me invites! Anyways, swimming is on this fri! This time i'm not gonna go tanning further. It's really bad for the skin. Imagine. The sun burn ur skin to form dark layer in order to achieve that tanned effect. Quite scary huh. Do it in a long run it might leave some permanent markings. No thanks! So this time i'm putting oh-so-much of sunblock and a hat. Hehe.

Got an early morning class tmr. Getting up at 8 is a bitch. But it's one class i look forward to. Lovely tutor and interesting class. One of my fav law subs. Giving a small presentation in front of class tmr. I've already done my preparation yest! How proud of moiself. Hehe. Let's hope i won't embarass myself in front of class.

Oh yea! Good news! Getting back moi car by sat. Cz then mommy will get back her car and she can return it back to me. My small lil blue car. I'll be mobile again! Woohoo..! Alrighty. Better hit the sack. Else i'll make moi bro late for work again (like i did last week, sry!). Night everybodyyyyyyyy! Mwa mwa mwa

Saturday, April 5, 2008

guess what? we COOK!

Groccery shopping is so fun!! There are soooo much of 'stuffs' on the shelves that look so foreign but taste oh-so-familiar to me. Hehe. So greedy we wanted EVERYTHING on the shelves! But sadly gotta budget so the thinking cap is put on to make the critical decisions. *LoL*

USUALLY it is jia or zhi who's the cook. This time, i'm proudly one of the cooks! *GRIN Sadly, kel still eats only. Hohoho. I cooked pasta, yumm! Basically one of the only things i can cook and actually taste good, well to me it is. I loved it! Self praise means no praise. But jia likes it!! So now i got one pasta fan. Hoho.

Lemme show u the pasta sauce..

Ok la, maybe kel did help to stir *LoL* (jus kidding, syg)

Zhi's honey chicken wing! Very delicious!!

the final product..

this is what guido was doing while we cooked, served and sweat our ass off *shakes head

I was the only one who finished the pasta. So full!! And tired. Slept only 4 hours the night before. As u can see from my previous post. Chilled wit marley for a bit.

Thou i was real tired the whole effort was worth it. So gonna do this again.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

F*** i'm STILL awake!

I'm supposed to be up by seven thirty in the morning tmr... and what am i doing now? Still too bloody awake!

Waking up tmr? Ain't a pretty sight...

It must be the haunting of the assignment which keeps my mind so active! Grr...i feel like watching Grey's Anatomy! But wit one epi at least 42 mins, i can forget bout going class tmr. Sigh. Dloaded so many of moi fav songs! Hehe!

What should i do now? *tap tap tap.... Is it wrong if i skip class tmr? Wtf. Having these kinda thoughts already. Life can be rather boring at moments like these...lappie's battery running lazy to charge it. Does it mean i'm gonna turn it off and try my ultimate best to sleep again?


what kinda debate was that? sigh..





can i form a staircase? *LoL*

i can sense the letter 'L' now showing more distinctively on my forehead. okay!!! i'll try to get some sleep now.....!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


is that marley...?

He's too cute. Period.

it's all good

Shopped for clothes...bought some shoes...we were everywhere! Rushing basically to make sure that we get everything done in time. Then suddenly lys decided to be punctual and with my new flipflop running down the escalator...I FELL...Jus like how u see in cartoons where the character skid on a banana skin and fall, back first.


I always imagined it thou. How it's like to fall on those sharp edges on the escalator. Now i know...not a very good experience.. A picture says a thousand words. So yea..

ANYWAYS!! That aside...good thing Marley was there to cheer me up! It's adorable little face can perk anyones face up!! Oh Oh! He's our new member in the family! Guido&Lys are now proud parents of the eight week old shishtzu. Hehe. Kal&Lys gave him a bath yest (which they weren't suppose to cz it's still a baby). Some pics for u! *grin

the baby of the family..isn't he lovely? aww...

the very proud parent, Guido!

a mismatch of the head and body?

Marley & MamaKel

Don't u just absolutely love and adore Marley now?? I know WE ALL DID! *LoL* And Jia finally found the true meaning of loving a very harmless fury creature....hohoho!

More updates on Marley real soon!!
